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Official Site of Virtual Industries
Vacuum Tweezers Online Store
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1-719-572-5566 or [email protected]

Free Trial Program

Vacuum Handling Solutions

We offer several methods for our customers to evaluate our products before purchasing them for your application:

1. The first option is to send samples of your part(s), along with a brief description of your application to our Technical Applications Department at:

Virtual Industries, Inc.
Attn: Technical Applications Department
2130 Victor Place
Colorado Springs, CO 80915

Virtual Industries, Inc. will respond with a detailed recommendation for your personal application. Most applications can be accomplished with our wide selection of vacuum tools and tips, occasionally we will need to fashion a custom tip for an application.

2. The second option and most popular method is to request a Trial Unit to be sent to your location. This will give your technical staff 10 DAYS to determine if our tools will work in your application. A new unit will be sent to you for the trial so it is easy to purchase if it will work in your application. Below are the requirements.


  1. A valid credit card OR trial purchase order number with a hard copy faxed must be submitted showing the full value of the order.
  2. Full name and phone number of the person(s) testing the unit(s).
  3. If not a current customer, credit references must be provided (unless a credit card number is provided).


  1. The trial period will begin once the unit has been physically received at your location as noted by carrier receipt.
  2. Virtual Industries MUST receive a phone call or fax stating whether the unit(s) will be purchased or returned within the ten day trial. (RMA # Required for ALL returns, return shipping is paid by customer)
  3. If the unit(s) is not returned in an acceptable amount of time, the customer will be billed for the full value of the order including shipping charges.
  4. If the unit(s) is damaged or abused in any way, the cost for the repair of the unit(s) will be the sole responsibility of the customer.

If an extension is needed, please notify Virtual Industries prior to shipment or before the end of the trial period for approval.